How to change Your Life in seven easy steps
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ठूलो गाडीको
I’ve recently had the opportunity to communicate with the popular Hypnotherapist and Spiritual trainer Shafin de Zane. Shafin has coached literally thousands of people around the world and helped them realize their dreams through his distinct teachings. As he says “miracles do not only happen in the pages of history books but can be created at will in our every day lives.”
He has helped thousands of people change their lives in seven easy steps.
How to change Your Life in seven easy Steps
Learn how to get out of your reality. What aspects of your life are causing you stress, anxiety and difficulties? You need to learn how to redefine your reality so you can lead a healthier, and happier life.
You and your personality. What is your personality? In purchase to change your life for the better you should understand who you really are.
What creates harmful Attraction What does this mean? how does harmful attraction affect our lives negatively and how can we avoid it?
Dig Deeper into Your belief System We should believe in a higher power; our creator, in purchase to remain positive in live. What do you believe? This next step will help you learn much more about what you really believe.
Deadly mistakes We Make part I What are some of the deadly mistakes that we make? how can we avoid those mistakes?
Deadly mistakes We Make part II What other mistakes have we made? You need to learn from your mistakes before you can relocation on to step 7.
Design of a meaningful life… This final step in Shafin de Zane’s totally free e-course will instruct you how to change your life in purchase to find new meaning.
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Everyone wants to have a much more meaningful and positive life. I know I certainty do. When we face hardships in some cases it is challenging to pull ourselves up and feel better. But, if we focus on the good in our lives and reach for those goals we will find a whole new meaning. We are who we believe we are. If you have that mindset you can accomplish anything. Isn’t that beautiful?
Here’s what a few people have said about Shafin de Zane’s course.
Hi Shafin,
I’ve tried to quit smoking several times with no success. I was so used to the idea that I smoke, that when I quitted I started smoking again after a day or two.. just because I thought that I can’t quit. On day 1 of the coaching course you told me that reality is what I create it to be, and on day 4 you told me that I am what I believe I am, so I said to my self: “I believe I can quit smoking”.
It’s been three weeks now, and I haven’t even thought of smoking ever again. and I believe this is just the beginning of change. Thank you for inspiring me! best wishes,
Plamen Peev, Bulgaria
Dear Shafin,
The title Redefine Your reality says it all. I have been reading and practicing a few meditation and self-development books. Your message in eCourse and in eBook is very powerful. Your insights validate the truth: the connectedness of all beings and our ability to create our own universe.
I ‘stumbled upon’ this course just when I was going through a painful situation (the universe always plans it that way); the eCourse and the eBook ground me to go inward and do a profound practice.
Thank you for your fantastic service to the world.
Chandira Kumar, USA
Dear Shafin:
First, wanted to thank you for spreading your teachings and for sharing your important knowledge with us. God Bless You!
Your teaching just even more confirmed my commitment to meditate and to look for the answers inside and not outside of myself… It is so clear now that what is real is our inside world and that the outside world is just the result of what is inside, so powerful!!!
I wish for people to be happier and happier:)
Madina, USA
This outstanding ecourse will change your life and it is absolutely free! sign up HERE.
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Also if you choose to purchase his book (not part of the eCourse which is completely free) you can get access to over 100 hours of world-famous Audio/Video on everything from mind power, meditation, law of attraction, business, success coaching etc etc along with a whole bunch of other goodies for a price you wont believe! You will be given a chance to get this outstanding package when you sign up for the totally नि: शुल्क उदाहरण।
जीवन विशेष गरी व्यस्त आमाहरूको लागि चुनौतीपूर्ण हुन सक्छ। ममा भरोसा गर्नुहोस् म मेरो जीवनमा धेरै कम बिन्दुहरूमा छु। तर यो कोर्सले मेरो लागि सबै कुरा परिवर्तन गरेको छ। म सबै स्वस्थ आमा पत्रिका पाठकहरूलाई यो पूर्ण रूपमा स्वतन्त्र मार्गको लागि साइन अप गर्न प्रोत्साहित गर्दछु। मलाई थाहा छ यसले तपाईंको जीवन परिवर्तन गर्दछ।